Saturday, October 18, 2008

Strange & Quirkey Things About Me- I've been TaGGED!!!

I've been TGGED!!! Thanks a bunch Ammie!!! I've been told by my kids that I have lots of strange things about me. So here are a few:

1- I am an early riser (5:30am) everyday and I expire at 8:30-9:00pm (everybody that knows me knows that I am NOT a night person. Whether my kids are a sleep or not, I am in my bed.

2- My favorite thing to do on my day off of work is CLEAN my HOUSE!!!! I love to do dishes, I love to clean. You would think that my house would be spotless.

3- I've been on the HCG Diet for the last 4 months. Anyone that knows anything about this diet it's quirkey in itself, but it works. You take hormone shots and eat only 500 calories. I have lost 43 pounds since June 24th and I have 15 more pounds to go.

4- I go grocery shopping at 6:00am to avoid crowds.

5- You will never (maybe not never, but rarely) ever see me at a restaurant on a Friday or Saturday night. I am crowdafobic. I HATE crowds, lines, and irritating people. hahaha

6- I have to brush my teeth as soon as I wake up in the morning. Yes, I know alot of people have to eat before they brush, but I think that is disgusting, and I have to brush before I eat or do anything.

If I think of anything else, which I know there are, I will add them. I tag Camille, Katie Smith, & Aubri Jo. Love ya'll


Joseph and Katie said...

Thanks alot! :) Hey I will do this tag I promise. I must say it was good to read your quirkey things. Now I feel like I know you so much better. Congrats on the HCG life style. Wow! You are amazing. I'm trying to find my body and get it back also. Man, this is a long journey! I'm not giving up though. Take care.

mama donk aubri jo said...

i am with you on the brushing teeth thing. and really only 500 calories??? you look gret! i have been considering that diet, I will have to come talk to you about it!