Sunday, June 21, 2009

Celebrating The Day I Married My Best Friend

18 years ago today, June 22nd 1991, I married my best friend. Bryan and I were married in the Los Angeles Temple in California. I never thought that I could be happier than I was on that day, but I was wrong. I have experienced alot of happy days, ALL because of that special day. 4 stand out in my mind - the birth of our children. I couldn't imagine life without my wonderful husband. We have been through alot of goodtimes and a few bad times, but as long as we have each other, we can conquer anything. Bryan puts up with alot from me and always is the first to apologize, even when it's my fault. He is the most patient man that I know. He always wants to keep a smile on my face, he believes, when the wife and mom is happy, EVERYONE is happy. Which makes sense. I love him so much, I love watch our kids play sports, cheer and perform as long as I have him by my side. I don't feel complete when we are apart. I am so grateful to have spent the last 18 years with the man that I love and my best friend. He is the greatest husband and father and I am so glad that he is Eternally MINE!!!

1 comment:

Mar and Koki said...

Happy Anniversary. Hey I remember spending the night at your apartment right after you guys got married. That was so fun. I don't think Brian was there though. I remember we all went in the hot tub too and you told us how sad you were the first time he had to go to work after your honeymoon. Good times. Congrats on all the great years!!!