Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day 2011

My girls love their little brother so much and with it being valentines day they wanted to smother him with hugs and kisses after reading scriptures. He was not amused, but I know deep down he loves the attention.

I can't believe that I am putting this picture on my blog, but it's a memory. I made pink, heart shaped pancakes for the kids. They loved them.
Not too bad freehanded
Sydnee enjoying her pancakes.
While the kids were at school, I was trying to think of something that they would absolutely love. Well, I make a homemade chocolate pie with homemade crust that they all get one on their birthdays. So I decided to make 6 of them for all of my valentines. They all had the same reaction when they saw the pies, "OH MY GOODNESS, do we all get our own pie?"
I now have a refrigerator full of pies.
Trevor and Cambria just about to dig into their pie.
Sydnee so excited after soccer practice when she saw her pie. Cecilee was at work and I didn't get a picture of her and her pie.


Leticia said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your creativity for Valentine's!!! I so want to make heart pancakes! Saw on your FB tag that u had raspberry syrup! Did u make that, and How or do you have a recipe for that? I WOULD LOVE to get a copy of that! Love the eyelashes TOO! Hmmn...never thought of those before...might have to reconsider...DID they hurt going on? HOw long do they stay on? Thanks...Can you let me know the syrup and lash quest anwsers? YOU are such a great mom!!! Your kids are lucky!!!

Trisity said...

Your such an AWESOME mom! My mother in law made us some heart shaped waffles :) I hope I can creative stuff like this for my kids!! :)

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

You are such an amazing mom!