Thursday, March 3, 2011

Trevor's shadow

I know that I have shared many times about the relationship between Trevor and Major, but it continues to grow and they get closer and closer, no matter the age difference. It is so cute to watch, that I can't NOT pick up my camera and "Capture" those precious moments. My son never ceases to amaze me with his patience and love that he has for Major. Major could climb all over him, play "Boom Boom" with him while he's sleeping, etc. and Trevor will just be so patient with him. He absolutely loves this kid and has such a great relationship with him. They both get so excited to see each other whenever Major comes over or Trevor goes over there.

Can you tell that Major "Idolizes" Trev? He watches his every move.
Then he wants Trev to teach him what he's doing, and he listens to intently.
Then he climbs on top to get a better view of the game on the IPOD.
Now it's Major's turn on the game.

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