Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Month of THANKS

This is the month of Thanksgiving and I am participating in a facebook thanksgiving. Each day I post something that I am thankful for, so I wanted to add it to my blog.
DAY 1 of THANKS: I am thankful for my family and the support that we all give each other
Day 2 of THANKS: Thankful that my dad is doing OK after all that he endured yesterday. He has a LONG road ahead, but he has ALL of his Family surrounding him and loving him!! THankful for A FAMILIES LOVE & CLOSENESS!!! Day 3 of THANKS: I am thankful for modern medicine, beautiful medical facilities and great Dr.s that are there when we need them. I know that my dads in good hands.

Day 4 of THANKS: I am thankful for the support & love of my husband and children. They support me in everything that I do and that I am involved in. They help keep me sane when I feel like I have bitten off a little more than I can chew. But with their love and support and jumping in and helping me, I can do anything!!!

Day 5 of THANKS: I am thankful for my home, and the refuge I feel from the outside world. A place for my family to congregate after a long day.

Day 6 of THANKS: I am thankful that I am member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love the gospel and my testimony that I have from it.
Day 7 of THANKS: I am thankful for true friends who love you UNCONDITIONALLY and forgive you for WHATEVER!!! In hard times, you find out who your REAL friends are!!!
Day 8 of THANKS: I am thankful that I was blessed with the opportunity to be a mother to 4 beautiful children who make my life complete!!! There is NOT a better job in this world!!!

Day 9 of THANKS: I am sooo thankful for the neighborhood that we live in and the neighbors that we are surrounded by. They are like family to us. We love our neighbors!!!! I feel so fortunate to have wonderful people helping me raise my children. Like they say,"It takes a village to raise a child."

Day 10 of THANKS: I am thankful for MY Husband, my best friend and the father of my children. I truly feel like I don't deserve someone so wonderful!!! He is so patient with me and always supports me in everything that I do. He always says Sorry first, because I am a BRAT & stubborn, and I know it!!! He loves me NO MATTER WHAT and always makes me feel BEAUTIFUL. I am so thankful that he is mine for ETERNITY!!!

Day 11 of THANKS: Being Veterans Day, I am Thankful for my freedom and those that have fought and continue to fight to keep our US of A FREE!!! I love to see our colors Red, White and Blue flying high and what it represents. I love my country!!! I love the men and women who are serving and I am thankful for their families.

Day 12 of THANKS: I am thankful that my children like to hang out with their parents on Saturdays, especially when we go to Costco. I love having my kids around me. It's funny to look in the back seat and see 4 adults, no longer little kids in car seats. I love spending time with my family!!!!
Day 13 of THANKS: I am thankful that I have eyes to see, a nose to smell, ears to hear and legs that can take me for a walk and hands that I can feel and touch the beauty all around me. I am thankful for my body. Even though at times I complain about getting old and these aches and pains that aren't familiar to me, I am thankful that my body still works and that I CAN FEEL
DAY 14 of THANKS: I am thankful for those examples in my life that help me to be a better person and help those in need. I am especially thankful for the opportunity that I have to work with KALAMITY & KAOS on their CAUSE. They have shown me that you don't have to know the person to help make a difference in their life. And it helps me when I see their CAUSE~ to appreciate what I have. With Jeanette ~ I have a husband who is with me everyday, she doesn't~ I am healthy and have healthy kidneys, etc., she doesn't. What we both have are families and friends that love us and support us and with this knowledge "WE" (all of those examples who are trying to help Jeanette) are trying to help her get that healthy body that she has longed for. She continues to work 2 jobs and raise her 5 kids ALL BY HERSELF even though she is so sick. I am grateful for those that help me see out of my comfort zone, and look at the BIG PICTURE to help others and DO SOMETHING BIG to make difference for someone else!!!

DAY 15 of THANKS: I am thankful for my son and the lessons that he teaches me daily. He is the most quiet, humble, non-judgmental, compassionate, loving kid I know. He NEVER speaks ILL of ANYONE and will put us in check if we say anything bad about someone. He has such a big heart and loves everyone. He NEVER gets made or yells back at his sisters when they are yelling or telling him to do something. (I keep thinking that it's going to happen, and he DOESN'T). He does anything I ask of him. I am so glad that I am blessed to be Trevor's Mom and grateful for the lessons he teaches me. Day 16 of THANKS: I am thankful for the beauty that I am surrounded by here in Southern Utah. The beautiful Red Mountain that I wake up to every day, blue skies and clean air!!!

Day 17 of THANKS: I am thankful for the sound of laughter and happiness that puts a smile on my face!!! Especially when it's my children's laughter and togetherness and NOT fighting. There is NOTHING better than watching and hearing your kids get along and LOVING each other!!! It makes me think, that I might have done something RIGHT!!!

DAY 18 of THANKS: So thankful for the power of prayer and the safety that we feel when our loved ones are being watched over. Bryan just called and said that he had a BLOWOUT through the gorge on his way to Mesquite. It was the front drivers side tire. He was sitting on the side of the road waiting. That could've been a bad outcome, thank goodness we have our prayers before he leaves the house. Now to have a prayer of thanks.

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