Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy 27th SURPRISE Birthday Tia

It was Tia's 27th birthday on January 10th and we have watched her do so much with her dancing for service to others that we wanted to something special for her. 
So we planned a surprise party and of course with it being Tia and interfering with her dance class,
there was a kink in the plan.
Andy called me and said, "Tia won't leave her class"
So he came home and changed into a suit, went and got flowers and showed up at her studio.
Scooped her up and blindfolded her and kidnapped her from her studio.
He literally carried her into the house where we were all awaiting her arrival.
She was totally surprised!!!

My mom got the cake at Costco and had them draw the CHUCKS and
write a beautiful saying,
"To Our Gifted Dancer who keeps giving to others through dance"

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