Sunday, February 17, 2013

Realignment of our Stake

We had stake conference on Sunday, February 17th and the word was out,
They were realigning the ward boundaries and
the rumor was our ward would be affected.
The main reason it was being aligned was because they need more leadership
in some of the other wards that was lacking and our was has ALOT of
leadership possibilities, considering a majority of stake positions are from our ward.
Soooooo our ward was prepared for the realignment.
We got to thinking that they were FOR SURE going to split our Heritage Estates Neighborhood,
because we have ALOT of strong families that live there.
So everyone was thinking that it would be the street in front of the churches or
the street that runs right into my driveway.
Sitting there on Sunday listening to the Stake President explain all of the reasons
and the cushioning of the blow, I felt like I was going to cry.
I had already split myself from SOOOOO many people that I love and am close to.
But, I was going to sustain the change and be happy NO MATTER what.
Soooo the time came and President Leydsman stood up to give the changes.
He started with saying, "There are 2 wards that will NOT be affected by any of the changes"
I KNEW that the 9th ward was not going to be one of those that came out of his mouth.
So I sat and waited and he said,
"The 2nd and the 9th wards will not be affected!"
OH MY GOODNESS, my jaw dropped and I'm sure all of the members in our ward did too!
I was sooo relieved and ecstatic with those words.
I wanted to jump up and scream, "Yes!!!!" but I sat like it didn't affect me at all
and like I didn't care. But really I was jumping up and down inside!!!
There was a deacon from our ward that did yell, "Yes!!!!"
After he announced that. It was sooo funny!!!
He only said what we all wanted too!
I sat patiently until the meeting was over and alot of us members
congregated at the back just hugging everyone!!!
I love my ward sooooo much and everyone is sooo close, we are like family!!!
I know that we won't be able to dodge the bullet much longer,
but we will enjoy the time that we have right now!!!
It goes to show, DON'T SPECULATE!!!!!!!

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