Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday's Viewing at Metcalf in Hurricane

 It was such a beautiful day to celebrate the LIFE of our wonderful Father.
The viewing was held at the Hurricane Metcalf Mortuary.
We had so many family members come to support our family.
 There were so many beautiful flowers from so many people that were touched by my dad!!!
 The beautiful table was decorated and put together by our very talented Julee.
 My neighbor and GREAT Friend Lori Brown came to support our family.

My mom took a moment with the Grandkids and shared some special moments with them to explain Grandpa's passing and that it was his time to go to heaven.
 The viewing went from 12:00-2:00pm and we had non-stop people stopping by to pay their respects. We had alot of people that read his obituary in the newspaper and within minutes was at the viewing in shock. The people of Hurricane loved my dad and it showed.
 We lived in Rancho Cucamonga for 17 years and these people: The Wakumotos & Jane Bradshaw
were there for all of those years. They were like family to our family.
They made the drive up to come and see my mom and dad.
 Aunty Joyce talking to my dad.
As the people walked out of the viewing we had the grandkids handing out my dads favorite chocolates, in the rehab and hospital by dad would have these in his drawer and give them out to the nurses or people that came to visit him.

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