Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Life-Right NOW!!!

I have been so busy that I haven't been able to, or TOOOO tired to take the time to, update our family blog. I am just taking one project at a time, whether it's work, pageant, grad nite, ironman, church calling, etc. Sometimes I just feel like screaming, I wish I knew that 2 letter word "NO". Oh well, I have learned to take deep breaths and count to 10. The Princess Pageant is less than a week, 6 days away. I have 13 contestants and only one unhappy mother that wanted to turn me into the STATE of UTAH because I asked the girls to miss 40 minutes of school for a dress rehearsal. HOW DO YOU TURN IN A VOLUNTEER? Oh well, I worked it out and have to keep telling myself, this is all for a good cause. It's for the girls, not their S***** moms.
After the Pageant, my next project is the Ironman-NO I am not doing it, I am helping with an aid station with the royalty for Ivins. It should be fun and what a great opportunity to watch these amazing people participate in the race. I am excited, that will be on May 1st. After that Grad nite.
Grad nite is graduation nite which is May 27th - I am in charge of polynesian entertainment. I am slowly working on that, I have found a fireknife dancer and my sister Irene said that she will help me put together a show. Thank goodness for a talented sister.
All between those projects is my new calling in the Stake YW that there is a Standards Nite that I am conducting and speaking at on April 14th and a Stake Leadership Mtg. on April 22nd. Also my full time job, 4 days a week and very busy kids who are involved in alot of stuff. I usually have about 4 soccer games and 2 basketball games a week. I really do love my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. I love being involved and being busy, SOMETIMES. What would I do, if I didn't do any of these things? Maybe clean my house.... hummmmm I'll have to look into that. I am so thankful for such an understanding and supportive husband and family who are always there to help me and do whatever I need them to do. Life is wonderful.
I wrote all of this for me to be able to look back on and think, WHAT WAS I THINKING, WHAT AN IDIOT!!!!


Erin said...

It's so fun to catch up on you blog tonya! I can't believe how you are able to find the time to do everything you do!! Good luck with all of it, I know it will be a smashing success, because you are behind it!

Ammie said...

Because you never cease to amaze me, I left an award for you on my blog!