Monday, May 17, 2010

Who would've thought?

Who would've thought that I would think of a dog as a child? Who would've thought that I would cry because a dog would be sick? Who would've thought that I would spend toooooo much money to a vet to make a dog better? I always knew that I didn't want a dog, I have never been a dog person, I didn't grow up with a dog, but my intelligent husband thought that every kid needs a dog. So we have had dogs for the last 5 years and have been pretty lucky that none of them have gotten sick. Well yesterday Chewy just wasn't himself and could barely walk and not hungry or thirsty. So we watched him and he just wasn't getting any better. So my heart started to break thinking that this little thing is in so much pain and I don't know what to do for him. So we tried to syringe water into his mouth because he was so dehydrated and we tried feeding him canned pumpkin for constipation, and nothing. So this morning I had Trevor go get him and we took him to the vet. It was just breaking my heart watching Trevor with him. Trevor was so emotional he kept looking up to keep his tears in his head. Then the Dr. told me the price and what was wrong and Trevor saw my face and his first response was, "Mom I will help pay for his visit and procedures." With huge tears in his eyes, how could I say no, I told the vet,"Do what you need to" and then I was thinking, "My husband is going to blow a gasket." Well Chewy is still in the hospital and will be there for a few days. Trevor is so dang cute and sooo worried.

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