Saturday, May 19, 2018

All By Myself at the Wedding

 It was a very emotional day thinking about being alone during this day.
In the morning at the hospital, Bryan and I had a prayer and I informed him that I did NOT want to do this day without him!  I was in tears and Bryan listening to me shed a few tears himself.
I didn't want to be in the temple by myself, I didn't want to take pictures with my family by myself, I didn't want to face this day by myself!!!
I had to keep telling myself, at least it's only 1 day by myself and that Bryan is in GOOD HANDS.
He's safe and he is being well taken care of. It could've been so much worse. 
 My kids helped keep my mind off of being alone and staying close to me at all times.
I just really didn't want to take a family picture without Bryan, but we had to document that day.
 Trevor and Kylee were the most beautiful couple that day.
So radiant with love and the knowledge that their marriage was eternal.
They were sharing their day with the ROYAL WEDDING, but the sealer told them that
their wedding was the real ROYAL ETERNAL WEDDING.
  Angel's family came down to celebrate with us at Trevor's wedding.
It was so great to have them with us on that day.
 Trevor and Kylee looked so extremely happy!!!!

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