Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Anxiously waiting for the boys arrival

 Cambria has been anxiously waiting for a call from the hospital to tell her that she can come and get induced. Her original day was yesterday but they told her that they are slammed and the people they had scheduled have been pushed back so therefore her time has been pushed back as well. Cambria texted me at 10:30am on Tuesday, Sept. 21st and said, "Mom, today is the day and they want us at the hospital at 12:30pm" I then asked her when she wanted me to come, and she said, "12:30pm". I told her I will be in the parking lot waiting for them. (The Hospital protocol is: Cambria is allowed 2 visitors every 24 hours, so Jeff would automatically be one of the visitor passes ALWAYS, and I will be the first visitor for the first 24 hours, and so forth). I feel so fortunate to be able to be there with Jeff and Cam, because last year it was ONLY the husband with the mother, everyone else needed to wait in the parking lot. 

We came into the hospital and they took us right to the hospital room and got Cambria situated. She changed into her hospital gown and they started trying to get monitors on the babies. They had no problem finding Baby A but Baby B was a being quite the challenge. He kept hiding from the monitor and kicking it and not being cooperative. The nurses needed to try and monitor Baby B-Luka for at least 20 minutes before they could do an epidural. Every time they got him on monitor he moved and they couldn't find him again. 

This is from Cambria's Instagram Post:

Hello everyone! We are all alive (I don’t say that lightly, life is a gift!) and finally feeling well enough to give a little update. Sorry it took so long.

I’m so excited to introduce my beautiful sons Diesel and Luka born September 14, 2021!

🌊Diesel Bryton Hauck was born at 1:10 am weighing 7 pounds 1 ounce! (His individual birth story coming!)

🌊Luka Jeffrey Hauck was born at 2:29 am weighing 8 pounds 3 ounces! (His individual birth story coming soon too!)

Shortly after they were born, we moved up to Mom & Baby. As soon as we got to my room I started experiencing lots of pain & felt blood pouring out- I was hemorrhaging. Within seconds the room was full of nurses & doctors giving me shots, pushing blood out of my stomach and pumping my IV’s. When the bleeding wasn’t stopping I was taken to the OR. After over 2 hours of them suctioning & attempting to clear my uterus to stop the bleeding, we had to stop and have a meeting. They determined that I had lost over 4-liters of blood and needed to do an emergency surgery. I’m so grateful we were able to slow the bleeding long enough that Jeff could come down to give me a priesthood blessing (I’ll share all the miracles + tender mercies later) and be part of a heart breaking decision. They found something while scraping and doing the ultrasound that they couldn’t get out, they knew it was some form of placenta accreta. My options were to stop where we were and chance bleeding picking up again which could end grim or have an emergency hysterectomy. Hearing the word “hysterectomy” felt like too much, but after Jeff’s blessing and talking with him we decided we shouldn’t risk anything & it was most important that I’m here. So we made the hard decision to move forward with a hysterectomy, which was a miracle we were able to make the decision, normally in these situations the patient is already out from anesthesia & not able to make this choice. There’s a lot more but that’s the general update for now. Post surgery biopsy showed we made the right choice and have found peace with it. We are just grateful to be alive and anxious to get our family together! Thank you, the love and prayers mean more than you know! 🤟🏼

Diesel Bryton Hauck
09/14/21 1:10 am
7 lbs 1 oz
19 inches long

Birth story time!

We went in to be induced at 12:30 pm and I was soooo excited to finally meet baby boys! We got check in, changed, and then spent the next two hours trying to get the boys on the monitors! They put a little sensor on Diesel’s head so he was easy to track, but Luka was tucked behind Diesel and kept moving making it nearly impossible to keep his heart rate on the monitor. They even brought our amazing ultrasound tech up from the office to help, it was a process! Without being able to monitor we wouldn’t be able to start pitocin. Finally, we had another nurse come give it a go and she was finally able to get him on the monitor!! So we started pitocin, then as things picked up I got an epidural. Things slowly progressed over the next 10 hours. My epidural wasn’t working great and I was still having a lot of pain so the anesthesiologist came up to give me a “boost.” Well I had a bad reaction and my blood pressure dropped to 59/33, it was so scary, it took everything in me to focus on breathing and not lose consciousness and I was shaking like crazy. The room was filled with nurses and doctors trying to stabilize me. Within a few minutes they were able to get me stabilized and back to feeling okay. Things progressed more over the next couple hours and my pain was still there, my epidural wasn’t working so I was feeling all the contractions. Again they came in to try to do another epidural dose, smaller this time, and within a few minutes of getting it I was fully dilated and ready to push, only problem was I couldn’t feel anything from my neck down. I was focusing on my breathing after the last scare and I knew that I could not push cause I could not feel anything. They wheeled me to the OR and it was time to start pushing. I told @jefe_hauck I really needed his help cause I couldn’t feel anything, so he pushed my shoulders and held me up in a crunch position to push while the nurses pulled my knees back as I tried my hardest to push. My arms hung off the table cause I couldn’t feel them or control them at all, I felt helpless but was pushing with all my might.

After a few rounds of pushing I got him to crown, my dr asked if I wanted some help and since I couldn’t feel anything still (they had taken me off the epidural completely because I had no feeling at all, at this point I still was completely numb neck down) I told her yes I wanted help, she got the suction and after one push with the help of the suction, Diesel was out! I heard him cry and was so relieved he was here. They laid him on my chest, and as much as I wanted to hold him I still couldn’t feel my arms so I just soaked up looking at him. He was perfect! He cried for a second and then was perfectly calm, they then took him to get cleaned off and weighed.

Jeff went with Diesel, and it was time for me to start pushing to work Luka down. Luka was high up in my belly and started out transverse, so the doctors and nurses worked to help get him head down and then it was time for me to start pushing to move him down, which I had no idea would take so much time and work since my girls birth was a completely different story. By this point I started to feel the epidural wearing off and feeling working it’s way down my body, I slowly started feeling my arms, I didn’t have to concentrate on my breathing anymore, I could crunch myself and hold my own legs when I pushed. My doctor asked my nurses to hook my epidural back up, but the machine was different than the ones they use and could only be hooked back up by the anesthesiologist, who had left the room after Diesel was born. And then the feeling really started coming back EVERYWHERE and I knew I was going to deliver naturally, which I had never even considered with twins as I was always told it was safest to deliver with an epidural. By this time I’d been pushing for about an hour and I had complete feeling back everywhere and had to change my mindset to “I can do hard things!” Each round of pushing got more painful. @jefe_hauck asked if Diesel could be in the room with us, so they brought him in and between each round of pushes, Jeff would bring him by my face and rest him cheek to cheek with me. He was completely calm, bringing me so much peace and strength I needed in a hard and unexpected moment…

I felt like I wanted to give up and like all my efforts weren’t doing anything. It’s moments like that when I KNOW it’s almost here and I need to just keep pushing. It had been almost an hour and a half of pushing when he finally crowned. I had to really dig deep and vocalize my positive affirmations… “I am strong, I can do this, I’ve got this…” It took two rounds of pushing while he was in the ring of fire before Luka was out! But then I felt his body come out and heard his cry and all was well again in the world! I didn’t feel pain anymore, all I felt was joy that he was here and my body did it.

Luka Jeffrey Hauck
9/14/21 at 2:29 am
8 lbs 3 oz
20 inches

They placed him on my chest for a minute and I held him in awe of all that just transpired and the little miracle in my arms. They then took him to clean and weigh. And it was now time to get the placentas out. When I had the girls, the placentas were really attached to the uterine wall so my dr had to scrape it out in pieces, so I anticipated it might be the same with the boys. They say that when you do fertility treatment the placentas tend to attach more making it so you have to remove physically by hand. What I didn’t anticipate was having to have the placentas scraped out again, piece by piece, WITHOUT an epidural or pain medication at all. This was the hardest and most painful part of their births. The dr had her hands elbow deep inside my body scraping the placentas from the uterine wall. For the next 10 minutes I writhed in pain as she pulled the placentas out and cleaned out my uterus completely unmedicated. (This felt like it was straight out of a horror movie, and poor @jefe_hauck watched helplessly as I screamed in pain, an image he still can’t get out of his head. I’m sorry babe!) This was the only time I cried in the birth experience this far, and still I want to cry just thinking about it. BUT I survived and we got the placentas out! As soon as the dr was done I breathed a huge sigh of relief and asked to hold my babies. I cried as I held them and felt so grateful they were here safe, we were all okay and together, I didn’t have a c-section and my dream didn’t happen…

My dream…

A couple months before delivery I had a dream, a dream unlike any I’ve ever had before, and one that felt more like a premonition or vision than a dream. I even contemplated sharing the dream on my Instagram in hopes of hearing others had similar dreams pregnant and were just fine, but I didn’t and I’m glad I didn’t… I only shared with Jeff, my close family, and my dr.

I dreamed I was on the operating table, having what I thought was a c-section, when I hemorrhaged and died. I’ve never had a dream of dying before and this dream was so vivid and felt so real. I woke up bawling, crying hysterically, and Jeff reassured me over and over it was just a dream. I didn’t know anything about hemorrhaging and when I looked it up after I had a feeling that I would experience it. Something about it all just felt real. I really struggled with trying to figure out if it was a sign from Heavenly Father to prepare for, or if it was just a crazy pregnancy hormone dream. It began to consume me and I felt I needed to prepare for the worst for my family.

At my next doctor appointment I brought it up with the dr that was on, and he reassured me that in his years of delivering babies he’s only ever seen two moms pass and they were complete anomalies. He reassured me that they are equipped to handle every situation that could occur and that it was normal to feel scared after a dream like that. I felt a lot better after talking with him, but still urged Jeff to make sure my life insurance was squared away and in my mind I was taking precautions and making sure things were in order just in case. Because of this dream I really wanted to have another vaginal birth, I didn’t want to chance a c-section like in my dream, so each week when Luka was flipped a different way I started to worry. As I approached my induction date I really tried to go into labor naturally (hence all the dancing 💋) but as you all know, no luck! Monday, September 13th came and I was feeling ready! From the moment we got to the hospital, there was a weird feeling like something was off, and then we started the roller coaster delivery. But after both boys were here I was feeling relieved…

I was feeling so relieved my dream didn’t happen and my boys were here safe and sound. They took me back to my room where the boys took to breastfeeding right away, Luka especially. Things were all settled down and we told my mom to head home and get some sleep! After she left we asked the nurses to do some footprints for us for the footprint ornaments I brought. They continued with the usual post delivery checks on me and the babies til it was time to move us up to the mom and baby floor.

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