Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Our Family Reunion is HERE!!! Ready OR Not!!!

Our Hannemann Family gets together for a family reunion EVERY year and every family member takes a turn to put it on, from my mom's family. (Just a little background, my mom comes from a family of 14 brothers and sisters-11 sisters and 3 brothers) They and their children take turns being in charge, so this year 2010 - OUR FAMILY IS OVER THE FAMILY REUNION!!!! We are all so excited!! We wanted to do a theme and sail away with it---------I bet you have NO idea what our theme is from that clue. Well, we decided to do "THE LOVE BOAT" - Cruise style. We have had soooo much fun coming up with ideas and doing all of the planning. From boarding passes to the "LIDO DECK" to the mints on the pillows and the towel animals, it should be a blast!!!! I can't believe that its here already. We decided to go with different ports on each day (The ports will be the countries that my grandparents are from) so the first day they will be docking in Germany and we will have German food and German decorations for the picture taking, etc. Then Friday will be Samoa - we will of course have Samoan Food and decorations and then Saturday will be America, Sunday will be International so we can put all of the leftovers out on the buffet table. We are so excited and can't wait to see all of our cousins. There will be approximately 125 people in attendance, 13 of my mom's brother's and sisters and ONLY 41 other family members who will be missing and totally missed. We will most definately be taking pictures everyday of every family at all of the ports and putting them on the walls like they do on the cruise ships. We will also be taking pictures everywhere. The highlight is usually our Family Talent Show and our famous family game, "Make Me Laugh". We leave tomorrow for a fun filled weekend with our family. There will definately be pictures to post.

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