Monday, January 24, 2011

Bettering Myself

(This is mostly FOR ME and MY JOURNAL. If you would like to just BYPASS this post)

They are all reading their scriptures, even though they are comfortable. I am fine with that, as long as they follow along and read when asked.
Well, with this whole weightloss schedule that I am trying to keep, I got to thinking, I need to focus on ALL ME!!! From the Inside Out and Spiritually, Physically, and Emotionally. So I have my eating & exercise down and I have been trying to get reading my scriptures, etc. Well, I am done TRYING - I am going to DO IT. I woke my family up this morning at 6:15am for scriptures and I warned them last night and they were all game. So we started with prayer, "Stand A Little Taller" thought, READ and then ended with prayer again. WOW, what a difference this morning was. I know we hear it all the time, but it's so true, if we put the Lord first everything else will just fall into place. I totally believe this. Well after exercising I decided that I am going to read an article from the General Conference Issue everyday and focus on that article. Then I will share it with anyone that cares.
The article that I read was from Elder Juan A. Uceda-"He Teaches Us to Put Off the Natural Man" I totally needed this talk, he talked about how his family was doing scripture study and one of his children DID NOT want to PARTICIPATE at that moment. (Wow, I never have that happen. hahaha) So he ended up loosing his temper and hurting her feelings. He ended up apologizing and shared a real spiritual moment with her because of a scripture that she shared with him from her scriptures. "A natural man is an enemy to God and has been from the Fall of Adam..." It totally opened my eyes, we are all human and we all have moments with our children that take us over the edge, but we have to remember to NOT allow the Natural Man to take over. It talks about contention in our homes and how real it is and how Satan thrives on that.
I know that I was suppose to read this article and I will continue to browse through it all day and share it with my family tonight. I am so excited to read the next article, but I will focus one on at a time.

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