Thursday, January 20, 2011

Called To Serve

I have wanted to do a post like this for a long time, but kept putting it off. Here is it. After Cambria graduated I knew life would be different but it is unbelievable how everything changes and these kids grow up. During the last semester of high school, one of Cambria's first little boyfriends received his mission call to Oklahoma. I was floored, I don't know why, I guess I thought that they were all still 14. Right after he left then they all started turning in their papers and getting their calls and now they are all out serving the Lord. I am soooo proud of these young men and how they have kept themselves worthy to serve a mission. I know deep down that these kids were truly saved for these latter-days. I am proud of the young women who helped encourage these young men on missions. You don't realize what a big role a GIRL plays in a boys life and decision to serve.
Cambria doesn't understand why I am making such a big deal about how many of her friends are receiving missioncalls and serving. I had one missionary that I knew from high school that served a mission and I ended up marrying him. She has truly been blessed with good friends. Every week we seem to hear that there is another one finishing up his papers or just got his call. Thank you boys for setting that wonderful example for all of the younger boys to look up to. The Lord has some wonderful missionaries out in the field, who were saved for these Latter-Days. Some of the missionary invites we have received

Below are some pictures of her missionary friends & where they are serving.

Drew is in Pocatello, Idaho

Taylor will be serving in Hawaii
Jordan will be going to Guatemala
KC will be going to New Hampshire
Chad went to Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
Nic is on his way to Brazil
Trevor went to California
Jake is headed to Germany
Berkeley went to Oklahoma
Zach is on his way to Tonga
Tyler is in Boston, Massachusetts

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