Monday, January 24, 2011

Growing Up

The baby of our family gave her first talk in Sacrament Meeting today. Now that she is an official young woman, it comes with privledges to give talks. She spoke on Dress and Appearance from the "For The Strength Of Youth" Pamphlet. So Saturday we sat down and wrote it out and every hour on the hour, starting at 1:00pm till 9:00pm, she came in to the family room and practiced in front of everyone and anyone that was there. Her poor friends heard it a few times. I just wanted her to get comfortable with what was on the paper, practice looking up and have some personality when she gave her talk and NOT be monotone. She did really well, I was so proud of her. It paid off to have her practice all day Saturday, she seemed comfortable up on the pulpit. At least it wasn't Stake Conference. When she was 8 our whole family spoke in Stake Conference and she spoke about Primary Music. It's amazing to me how the church gives us so many opportunities to grow and become better people.

1 comment:

Leticia said...

Can your kids be any "cuter".... I love your family...What good examples they are to one another! I hope they don't mind the cuter...I don't know if that is still a good word to use with older kids? :)