We had another evening full of fighting, teasing, being mean to each other, ABSOLUTELY NO LOVE AT HOME!!!! So Bryan made dinner and we all sat down as a HAPPY FAMILY, and even during dinner-passing the food- there is fighting, glaring and scowling going on. So after we all eat, Bryan says, "NO LEAVING THE TABLE, we are having a family meeting right here among the dirty dishes." So he started off with a game, "Cecilee, say something nice about the person across from you (Cambria)" very generic, "She has pretty eyes". "Cambria say something about the person to your left (Sydnee)" another generic answer, "She is funny". "Sydnee say something about the person across from you (Trevor)" Another "He's good at Football" then "Trevor say something about the person to your left (Cecilee) NO THOUGHT AT ALL "She's very good at soccer".
Then he started around the table and had each one of us tell something that we admire about everyone at the table. He started and went around, then Cambria's turn and then Sydnee. That's when we ALL started crying. She said, "Trevor, I am very proud to be your sister and I am grateful that you aren't ashamed that I am your sister. And I love to watch you play sports." Everyone took their turn and the spirit was soooo strong.
"There is Beauty ALL AROUND when There's LOVE at Home!!!!"
I love family time like this!!!