Monday, May 23, 2011

Rugby Season Still

It's been a great experience for Trevor to participate in the sport of Rugby. It has been a stressful season for mom to watch. At his last home game, Bryan's parents came to watch and his mom was having a hard time watching how hard they hit and how if someone gets hurt, they DON'T stop the game. She kept telling me, "Tonya, as long as Trevor plays this game, you need to be at EVERY game of his, just in case he gets hurt." It's such a dangerous game and it doesn't stop. He has learned so much from his great coaches. Therefore, the season isn't over YET. They are going to state and will be playing the top teams this weekend. He just needs to get through 2 more games and can then start preparing for FOOTBALL.
I like to see him on the field ALL BY HIMSELF, as least I know he's safe.

But that doesn't last for long, because MY BOY loves to be involved in the play and making those tackles. I have begged him to PLEASE play smart and after you tackle, JUMP out of the pile of guys so one of those bodies don't land on you. Trevor being tackled. Trevor runs with everything he's got, trying to get a TRY (Touchdown or Goal)

Whenever his arms go above his head, I know that he is either hurt, tired or exhausted. He tells me, "I'm just resting Mom, don't worry." In his last game he got to experience what a concussion was all about. He couldn't remember anything about the game. That scared him into really playing smart. It's just the cheap shots that you don't see coming.

In the next picture you may not see Trevor's face, because he is the one that is flying with his head between the guys legs, coming in for a tackle.

We have wonderful fans, parents, students who come and support the boys. Rugby has sure grown in popularity.

Trevor trying to bring down their biggest and most athletic player.

Trevor pitching the ball off to his teammate.

Trevor running with the ball, he always makes me nervous when he is carrying the ball. They have NO pads or protection so when they get hit, IT'S HARD!!!

The final bow, which means GAME OVER!!

Trevor with Grandma and Grandpa Horlacher after the game.

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