Monday, September 9, 2013

Special Kisses

“The mouth is made for communication, and nothing is more articulate than a kiss.”
 “Close your eyes and I'll kiss you, Tomorrow I'll miss you.”
My mom and dad have ALWAYS loved kissing!!!
They would kiss in front of us kids ALL OF THE TIME!!
We loved to see the affection between the two of them and proof of how 
much they loved each other.
My dad even though he wasn't awake he still demanded kisses from my mom.
 When he would hear her voice from the other room, he would automatically close his lips and that was an indication to us that he wanted kisses from her.
So we would yell for her, "Mom, dad is closing his mouth, he wants kisses."
 She would come running over and kiss his lips so tenderly.
We could see that he was still enjoying those kisses!!!
These pictures are sooo tender and loving of two people who have been through sooooo much in their 45 years together. But have endured so much in the last 2 1/2 years together.
I love my parents so much!!!
These are pictures from the hospital and some of their shared kisses. This was the day before we took dad home and was put in hospice. They love each other so much and it shows!!

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