Saturday, February 15, 2014

Eagle Project

Trevor decided for his Eagle Project he was going to make 5 carnival games for 
Red Mountain Elementary for their yearly carnival.
Luci Koloa was so wonderful that she offered to help us, since she makes them and just
sold 20 of them out of her garage. She is just so talented. So Trevor and Bryan went and bought the wood
and went around to see if they could get donations to bring the cost down.
My 4 wonderful children who are always supporting each other in everything!!!
Then I have wonderful family that comes to help support each other and help with 
anything that needs to be done. In the Eagle Project you have to have a certain amount of people to 
help and be the leader over.
We had lots of help for this project.

The games Trevor decided on were:
A Ring Toss in a Tree, A Galazy Frisbee Toss, A frog throw in the pond, A golf tee & a duck hunt

Lots of sanding, cutting, painting and more painting.

Clay showing Trevor how to use the jigsaw saw.

Aunty Tia and Maze showed up to do some painting also.

Uncle Max, Jaden and Raya came to help Trevor.
Uncle Clay, Aunty Julee, Kiana, Tayvia and their cousin came to help.

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