Saturday, April 15, 2017

UTAH Spring Game

 This was my first time at Uof U stadium and I was about to see my son on 
the field. I was so nervous, but soooo excited for him and his dream.
He has worked so hard being on the scout team and helping prepare the 1st & 2nd
string every week for their games. Now it was time for Trevor to be able
to prove himself to the coaches. 
 Our cute Cecilee was so excited for her little brother and his debut on the field.
 Trevor was number 40 and he played amazing. 
He played a total of 40 minutes of the game out of 50minutes. 
This was his coach-Coach Ena and his linebackers.

 Grandpa Horlacher was soooooo proud of Trevor and it was so nice of them to 
 drive up for his game and park so far away and walk like pioneers to get to the stadium.
It was awesome to share that game with them.
Kylee and Meghan also came to support Trevor.
It was nice of them to wear RED instead of Blue since they go to BYU.

One of the highlights to watch was all of the fans getting autographs from the players.
Everywhere Trevor turned people were asking for autographs.
What a great experience for him.
 Hannemann and Teancum also came with Uncle Sale & Lisia to watch the game.
That was so nice to have family there cheering on Trevor.

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