Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ivins Stake Triathalon

Today was the Ivins Stake Triathalon and Trevor was the only brave one to sign up and participate. I was worried for him, considering he did not train at all. He does play two sports right now, Soccer and Basketball, so his running,biking and endurance I wasn't worried, but his swimming, I WAS WORRIED. He hasn't swam for almost 9 months. He just told me, "Mom, you can do anything if you believe in yourself". Good thought. So he was quite tired with the swimming. I watched him take off and I could see into his 3rd lap, his arms were tired and he was thinking, "Am I going to be able to do this?" But he pushed through the pain and finished the swim, then he dried off and changed and got ready for the bike ride. He plugged into his IPOD and was off. I knew he would do well with the bike ride and knew that he would catch up on some of his time. So we saw him a couple times on his ride and then went to the finish line. He came in about 7th from the bike ride behind 3 men and 3 Seniors in high school. HE took off for the run and watching him, I knew he didn't realize what he had signed up for. It was alot harder than he thought. HE was so cute to watch and I was so proud of him for NOT giving up. He ended up coming in 4th in the Young Men category and 7th over all. He then had a PLAYOFF Basketball game right after that and a soccer game. He is definately going to be wiped out!!!! Good job Trev!!!!
All of the Young Men who did the Triatholon
Our Ward participants
Cecilee wanted a picture with him before she left for Las Vegas to play soccer.
Trevor getting ready

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