Sunday, January 30, 2011


My sweet boy made a BIG decision for his spring season sport. Trevor has always played soccer during the spring since he was 5 yrs old and has always looked forward to playing on the high school soccer team with his friend, Navy. Well, SCHS has a Rugby Team that had been established about 2 yrs ago and is very successful. All of the coaches approached Bryan last year and tried talking him into letting Trevor play, because they all saw him play football and knew that Trevor would be good and would love it. Bryan didn't think anything about it because he knew how much Trevor loved soccer and thought that he knew that Trevor wouldn't want to play that sport. WELL he was WRONG!!!! Trevor played a lot of Rugby with friends during the summer and gave it a lot of thought. So I talked to Trevor and asked him what he wanted to do. He said, I want to try Rugby but I don't know if I want to try it yet. So I told him, "If you are wanting to try Rugby, you need to do it your freshman year, if you end up NOT liking it, you always have Soccer." He said, OK I want to try it this year.
He has been going to the practices and has been doing a lot of watching from the sideline. Today was his first game that he actually got in and played. Watching him from the sideline during the game, I wasn't nervous at all because he had told me that he wouldn't be playing that day, so I thought I will sit and watch Rugby and TRY to understand the game. After halftime, Bryan had told me that Trevor's number is 17, I didn't think anything about it until I looked on the field and I saw NUMBER 17. Oh My Goodness, Trevor's out there. Then my stomach started turning, and I started praying for him.
"Please Heavenly Father, help him know what he is doing out there. Please protect him."
I was pleasantly surprised, he did AWESOME!!! After the game his head coach came up to him and told him, "Trevor, you definately have a Rugby future."

1 comment:

Leticia said...

That is fun! He looks like he knew what he was doing! I haven't entered the sports thing boys are too little....