Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Spiritual Growth


I have been loving my Tuesday's and look forward to them every week. I have such a great opportunity to go the the temple with my mom and sister's and whoever else I invite. I absolutely LOVE going to the temple and enjoying the wonderful spirit that is felt there. It has made such a difference in my life. On Wednesday's Bryan and I are able to go together. I am truly transforming ME into the person I want to be and that Heavenly Father wants me to be. I notice that there are a lot of things of the world that I am starting to become sensitive too, songs on the radio, things in movies and on tv, etc.

These past 4 months I have been studying the General Conference addresses from the last General Conference. I bought my brother the CD's from the last General Conference for Christmas and he totally inspired me to listen to the talks when I can't read them. So I will pull it up on lds.org and listen while I am riding my bike or exercising. They really help me to put life into perspective. So I went to renew my subscription to the Ensign and saw that you could add the General Conference -Audio CD's to your subscription, so they will automatically send you the CD's. I am soooo excited!!

I loved conference and being with my children and husband and snuggled on the couch for church. I loved all of the talks especially Richard G. Scott's, C. Scott Grow and Jeffrey R. Holland these men are men of God and speak for our Heavenly Father. My testimony is truly growing and I am loving it. I love the way I feel and the person that I am becoming. I hope that I am setting a good example for my children to follow because sometimes I feel like they are setting the example for me. I am realizing that I don't have much time with my children, they are all growing up so fast. So I better continue on my journey of my spiritual transformation.

My son is getting ready to receive his patriarchal blessing and we have been doing a lot of reading from a book that I bought for my girls when they went through this stage. I have been reading morning thoughts from that after scripture reading and we have read everyone's blessing as a family. It has totally enlightened our family into knowing that Heavenly Father really knows our name and has a blessing for each of us. That the veil is so thin and that Heavenly Father only wants the best for us and wants to help us through this life. Trevor at first was a little confussed and seemed a little scared, but the more we talk about it as a family and he listened to all of our blessings, he has asked me to make his appointment. He is excited to know what Heavenly Father's blessing is for him.

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