Saturday, April 7, 2012

We've been "TANKED"!!!!

My son has always loved animals!!! He has two dogs, two turtles and now lots of fish. He saw a tv show about these guys who build fishtanks and has now discovered that's what he wants to do for a career when he grows up. He has had his turtles for 7 years and they have gone from the size of a half dollar to the size of his giant palm. It's so fun to watch them swim. Trevor had his birthday on March 6th and decided with his birthday money he wanted to by a bigger tank. So $45.00 later he had a bigger tank. (His friend Navy told him, "Trevor, I could think of something cooler to spend $45.00 on.") This to Trevor is COOL!!!
His turtles went from a 10 gallon tank to a 29 gallon tank. Now they can really swim.
The funny story about the next tank is:
Trevor was driving with an instructor for Driver's Ed. And while he was driving he saw a yard sale going on and this huge 50 gallon fish tank caught his eye while he was driving by.
 Later on I received a text:
Trevor: Mom, there is a big tank at a garage sale
Me: Where is the garage sale?
T: Across from Dixie High School
So Cecilee and I drove over there, since we were already in town running errands- and it was HUGE. Cecilee jumped out and was excited for her little brother, cause it was huge. So she went to the lady to see how much and she said "$30.00" then I said, would you take $25.00? She said, "Yes".
We couldn't get it into the car fast enough. We realized how much this tank was worth, because Trevor just bought one half the size for $45.00 and this tank was doubled the size.
He was soooooo excited!!!
Trevor's friend across the street has now caught the fish fever like Trevor and bought himself a bigger tank. So this is Trevor in his window with the hose coming through the bedroom window to fill the tank. Trevor filled his tanks the same way, so he shared his knowledge with his friend. Good thing his parents weren't home when they were filling his tank.
These boys are hilarious!!
I think my son is more into fish right now instead of girls.
They are LESS Intimidating!!!!!

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