Monday, November 27, 2017

Scary News from Dr. about Mia's PKU test

This morning Cecilee came downstairs holding Mia and she looked at me and said, "Mom the Dr. just called and said that Mia's PKU test came back Abnormal and he wanted to see me sometime today to discuss it. Her face was so concerned but not crying when telling me, so I felt like I needed to keep calm and reassure her that everything was going to be alright. I looked it up and it said, "It could cause seizures or severe mental retardation" we both were worried, but I suggested that we kneel and ask Heavenly Father for comfort and to help the Dr's and those reading her test to make sure it's true. We knelt in the family room and I offered the prayer and started to cry and plead to my Heavenly Father in behalf of my sweet daughter, Cecilee and granddaughter Mia. "Please Heavenly Father let it be they will".  Cecilee was scheduled to go to work today and ended up canceling her appointments. Her first appointment was Tia, so within a few minutes of canceling her appointment, Tia showed up to give Cecilee a hug and just be here with her to help give comfort. It was such a sweet gesture for her to come and just be here, it helped calm Cecilee down. I then texted each one of my kids and asked them to please pray for Mia and the Dr's and explained what happened this morning. They were all so worried and definitely united our faith and prayers together. I called Bryan and his first response was, "How is Cecilee?" well within 15 minutes Bryan walked into the house and came right to Cecilee and gave her a huge hug and kissed Mia on the forehead. He then said, "Cec lets give her a blessing". It made my heart swell with so much love for my husband to watch him use his priesthood and want to bless his granddaughter at this time of need. His hands were so big on her little head but his words and prayer to our Heavenly Father was truly felt. I fell more in love with my husband watching him use his priesthood.

Cecilee went to the Dr. at 12:40pm and Cambria was so sweet, she met her there at the office so she wouldn't be there by herself because Angel couldn't leave work. They waited for an hour and 15 minutes then the Dr came in and told them that she is a carrier of Sickle Cell Disease and that in her future when she decides to marry she needs to make sure that her husband isn't a carrier as well because their children would die. Cecilee couldn't believe what she was hearing and asked him about what we found on the internet and he said, "Oh that is not Mia, we find out lots of different information from this test, this is what we found out, she is perfect-just be aware that she is a carrier.
OH MY GOODNESS, thank goodness it wasn't what we were thinking. Thank you Heavenly Father. We love our little Mia.

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