Friday, December 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!!!!

My husand with his wonderful parents who did an amazing job raising him and allowing me to have him for eternity.
My husband working in Wyoming in the Natural Gas Fields for Halliburton.
Bryan and I with Cambria after the Homecoming Football Game. He was a coach and she was the Homecoming Queen as well as one of the cheerleaders.
I have a special thank you to a woman who gave it all to me, through one person. I want to thank my mother-in-law, Cheryl for my wonderful husband and best friend. She instilled many wonderful traits in him. She taught him how to be sensitive to others who were different, etc. She taught him how to respect women and children. She taught him how to cook and clean. And of course there are many more. Who would've known that 27 years ago, that I would meet the man that I was going to marry. Now that I have girls that age, I always tell them, be careful-you could end up marrying him. Bryan was always that guy that I had my eye on, the popular jock who could have any girl in school. I never could understand WHY he liked me, but I am sure glad that he persued me. I always knew that he would be a great husband, he has a great example, through his dad. Watching his mom and dad together, I knew that Bryan would treat his wife the same way, and he does. He is such a patient man, I know sometimes he just wants to pull his hair out and scream at me, but he doesn't. He NEVER has spoken a mean or belittling word to me in our whole time together. I can't say that I have never, but he is the greatest example to me, in everything. I am so grateful that he is ALL MINE and that he took me to the temple and are together for eternity. Something Bryan told me, that has ALWAYS stuck out to me before he left on his mission was, "Ton- I want you to date while I am gone, I don't want to marry a wallflower. IF, by chance you are gone by the time I get back from my mission, PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE make sure that whoever you marry will take you to the temple, because you ONLY deserve the BEST!!!! I love you." I am so grateful for him and the wonderful friend, husband, father, brother, and son he is.


Sunny said...

Happy Birthday Bryan!!! Tonya---what an amazing trubite to Bryan. It made me cry. Bryan is a wonderful man!!! We love the Horlacher family ;)

Marion said...

Happy Birthday. I loved this post. Has it really been 27 years that you've known eachother??? That is crazy! I always love seeing Bryan. He such a gentle person and so nice to everyone. You guys are great together.