Wednesday, August 4, 2010

ANKLE again

Well Soccer Tryouts began on August 2nd on Monday at 6:00am. Cecilee and 41 other girls showed up and started doing everything that they needed to do for tryouts. I receive a phonecall at 9:00 and it was Cecilee on the other end. The first thing that she said was, "MOM, I rolled my ankle again, I heard a really load "POP"!" She said that she was icing it on the sideline and has it elevated. I couldn't believe that she wasn't crying. That evening I took her to Dr. Salmon and he adjusted her and checked her ankle. His diagnosis was that she has LOOSE Ligaments and that the only way to help it would be to R.I.C.E. it. (Rest Ice Compress Elevate) for the next three days, which means she cannot finish tryouts. I called the coach and he said that he didn't want her to finish tryouts and he already knows what she can do and he didn't need to see anymore. He wanted her to listen to the Dr. and get her ankle healed. So we helped Cecilee ice her ankle and keep it elevated. Knowing Cecilee she went to tryouts on Tuesday and Wednesday and sat and iced it while the tryouts went on. She wanted to show support to the girls.

It is now Wednesday and they posted the names of the girls who made the team and CECILEE made the cuts. I am so excited for soccer season. Cecilee is so much fun to watch. CONGRATULATIONS my Cec-So--Sweet!!!!

1 comment:

Lacie @ Creative Attempts said...

I can't wait to see pics of the games. Bridger is signed up for fall soccer again so I am excited to sit on the sidelines and watch the kids "try" to concentrate on soccer lol