Saturday, September 4, 2010

My college student

Cambria has started college and is taking 16 credits and so far is totally confused, but having a great time. She applied for financial aid and was disappointed that she didn't get a grant, but was approved for a loan. We have NO idea how this college thing works. So we just go for it and keep plugging along. She is working towards becoming a Dental Hygenist. I am so proud of her and her ambition.

1 comment:

mariann and Tory said...

Hey Tonya, If you want some ideas on how the financial aid thing works heres my 2cents. To get a grant, at the begining of the school year (like Jan) as soon as you get your taxes done apply for the loans. The grants are on a first come first serve basis. Check the financial aid website on dixies home page for scholarships that pop up throughout the year...with good grades she should be able to apply for those and get them! If you need any more have my number on record :} Good luck! Mariann