Friday, August 23, 2013

Acute Rehab

Another Sunday evening going to visit grandpa.
My dad has been moved to The Acute Rehab which now will help him learn to be independent
and walk,etc. It's located in the old hospital by the temple on the 5th floor.
We love going to visit him and mom-you can guarantee that there will be other family
members there visiting also. Max's family was there also.
 These kids immediately ran to the wheelchairs when they got there.
They love to balance on 2 wheels and just wheel around.
EVERYTHING IS A COMPETITION, who could balance longer.
Dad just loved watching them balance and play!
 My cute parents who have been through so much together.
It has only brought them closer and a stronger relationship.
My dad looks so cute and is slowly getting stronger and stronger.
I hope to be the type of wife that mom has been to my husband. She is amazing!!!
My dad is so stinkin' handsome!!
In the hospital the Dr.'s would say, "Your dad is soo handsome, he looks like Al Pacino"
My dad told us one time, "I am cursed~ I am soooo good looking!"
I do have to agree, he is still so handsome even with his crooked little smile!!
I love my dad and so happy that he's getting stronger!!

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