Monday, October 13, 2014

Apple Weekend with the Family-Cambria's Blog

We had so much fun up in Glendale this past weekend!
We went up to hang out with family and help with the apple harvest!!!
My grandparents have a beautiful property that they built from the ground up, I love this place so I thought I'd take lots of pictures to make you all fall in love too!!!
Check it out...
 Their fields.

 Goober Syd haha :) love my little sis!
 The view from the cabin, overlooking the field to the bridge that crosses the creek.
 Three Bear Ranch :)
 We have TONS of red delicious, yellow delicious, and Jonathans!

 My grandparents have two rows of apple trees. These tree were tree that my grandma's dad used to own and take care of as she was growing up. They are seriously the BEST apples in the world!!!

 Simple beauty.
 They were just screaming for me to take their picture.

 Can't get enough of the views.

 Nothing like a cute little school boy apple.
 Cute helpers.
 My apple picker.

 One of my favorite things about going to the ranch is the no make up, wild hair, and no cares!

 The view from the bridge.
 When I'm there I can't stop taking pictures, it's just too beautiful!!!!

 Are you in love yet?
 Years ago they used old cars to hold up the creek bank walls. It makes for some cool pictures!

 He was only pretending to drink ;)

 This bridge Jeff is sitting on my grandparents built. They actually built everything on the property! They are a do-it-yourself power couple that truly completes amazing things!!!!
 When I'm there I like to explore. That usually involves me picking flowers. This time I decided to make a wildflower bouquet.
 Here's how it turned out. :) I loved it.
 The cabin a little closer.
 That's not even all of the apples.
 Beauty in the little things.
 Like a tractor.
 And a wagon full of apples, pulled by my dad!
 After all the picking was done, it was time to cut and juice the cole apples (apples with defects).

 It's quite the process...
 But the juice is worth every second of work.
 My amazing grandpa.
 The strained juice ready to drink or freeze!
 The foamy stuff that gets spooned off.
 More of our apple crew.
 We juiced a total of 12 gallons!

It was an awesome weekend with family and apples! We have an apple harvest every year and every year I'm even more amazed at all the hard work my grandparents do! 
I'm not lying when I say that these are the best apples EVER! 

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