Friday, August 28, 2020


The other day we were at the grave site and I started seeing a few drangonflies. I didn't think anything of it until I counted 15 just swarming around us and the grave. So I said to my girls, "Isn't this crazy that there are so many dragon flies?" Cambria suggested that we look it up and see what the symbolism is about Dragon Flies. It said that they represent our loved ones that have passed on and are with us at that moment bringing love. I was touched to know that my mom and dad were with us at that moment watching me and my girls clean around their graves and bringing flowers.
Well, yesterday I was swimming with my grand kids and girls and noticed a Dragon Fly. Just flying around and sticking around. Then I noticed it start sitting on each one of the grand babies heads for a little bit and then just sit at the edge of the pool in a still position. It was probably a good half hour that Dragon Fly stuck around watching us swim. I couldn't help but think it was my mom wanting to swim with the babies and have a girls day with us. 
I truly believe in these little signs of our loved ones as long as we are watching for them. 
I hope my mom and dad continue to make them selves known.


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