Sunday, August 10, 2008

Simister Orthodontics Patient Pool Party

Dr.'s Jeff and Brad Simister with 2 of Dr. Jeff's kids. These are the two of the best guys anyone could work for. We have a good time at work.
Some of our stud patients enjoying the goodies.
Me and Carroll enjoying the evening.
Some of our awesome patients waiting for more ice cream!!!!!
Trichele, Christie & Mandi running the ticket table.
These two girls made earrings out of our Brace Bucks.
Totally all dressed up in their fashions from Simister Orthodontics.
Cambria and Cecilee with one of their favorite prenant ladies.
This little guy was loving the ice cream.


This past Friday was our Patient Appreciation Pool Party. We held it at the new Washington Rec Center. We had ice cream of all kinds and chips, cookies and brownies. We had lots of our patients come with their families and have a fabulous evening. We felt like it was a BIG huge success. During the evening we had an on going drawing every 15 minutes we gave away 4 beach towels that had Simister Orthodontics on it. We had some great winners who were very excited.

1 comment:

Ammie said...

Looks like fun! Sad that i missed it :(