I have been working on a letter of all the miracles I witnessed throughout this weekend but I am taking too long to send out a Thank you to all of you for your wonderful fasting and prayers in my son's behalf. As we all witnessed a miracle I Know that it's all because of us uniting our faith and drawing on the powers of heaven!!!
Trevor said that the accident had so many components that there is NO WAY he should be alive.
*The forklift he was driving was parked on a slope (so gravity)
*It was raining really hard and there were puddles where he was working
*There was a full load of sheetrock on the forklift which weighs about 5,000lbs
*the forklift itself weighs 9,000lbs
*faulty emergency brake
So all of those components Trevor was taking sheetrock off the forklift and adding it to a pile that was as high as his chest the forklift started rolling, but Trevor wasn't faced forward he had his back to the forklift so when the forklift rolled forward it had a huge 5,000lb stack of sheetrock so that is what hit Trevor and it crushed him against the other stack of sheetrock. It hit him he said he barely had any air to yell for "HELP" then he passed out. Meanwhile, it was pouring rain, he was stuck and passed out. He doesn't know how long he was there until someone happened to walk by to find him. When the guy saw the forklift so close to him he realized something wasn't right and ran over to move the forklift. When he did Trevor's body collapsed to the ground landing in a big puddle of water. The guy ran over to try and pick him up so he didn't drown in the big puddle and Trevor jumped up and was flailing in pain and shock. 911 came and Trevor was just like the incredible hulk! He punched a police officer in the face and kicked a fireman and nobody could control him. So they sedated him on site. That's when they transported him to the hospital. They restrained him but when he got to the hospital he awoke and broke the restraint and wrestled with one of the Drs. The Dr said he won because he had stronger drugs.
He ended up waking up the following morning when they slowly started taking him off the sedative. That's when all of your prayers took effect with the healing of his body and mind. Miracles started taking place.
I don't know how to Thank everyone for stopping what you were doing at that moment Aunty Marion sent you the email and praying for my son, for your fasting and prayers and putting his name in the temples around the world. He is truly a miracle and I know that it really could've been a totally different outcome. WE ALL WITNESSED A MIRACLE. There was a CNA that worked with Trevor on the 6th floor and he told him, my dad was a first responder to your accident. He told me that when they received the call about a 22 yr old male who was crushed by a forklift with 5,000 lbs of sheetrock, his first thought was there is no way this guy is going to make it. Then when he arrived on scene and saw Trevor punching everyone, he had a different thought and said, "Who is this guy?" (Trevor reminds me a lot of my dad)
Thank you, thank you, thank you. When Trevor woke up his first words were, "Who saved me?" and he just cried. He said, "I thought that I had died. I totally didn't think I would see any of you again" He was so emotional and told us his story about the accident in detail. So that told the Dr's said his brain is fine. Trevor was released from the hospital Saturday at noon. From the time of the accident at 2:30pm on Thursday to noon on Saturday=46 hours later walking out of the hospital.
HE IS A WALKING MIRACLE!!! Thank you family!!! I love you all and can't wait for the Family Reunion to thank you all!!
Thank you for taking out the time to tell us Trevor's story. We were all so curious as to the details. Now we know!! In reality, we, as a family, became part of Trevor's story.
I think Trevor's fighting with the doctor and the hospital attendants was his fierce desire to remain here. I believe the messenger came for him and he, in his own way, fought valiantly to stay. Then you texted me to call the family to prayer for your boy. And we responded with full force of our love and faith wherever we were. The powerful, faith-fueled prayers and fasting of all of us turned the messenger away as Trevor's healing was taking place simultaneously with our earnest pleadings with the Lord to spare his life and to grant him full recovery. That is why Trevor upon opening his eyes, said: "I'm alive. Why am I here?" A MIRACLE had undeniably taken place bestowed by a loving, compassionate and merciful Father in Heaven. Trevor's words certainly affirmed that miracle when he said to all of you on his hospital bed, "It's a miracle." Yes, it is a miracle and not only Trevor, but all of us have been strengthened and blessed because we answered the call to unite in prayer and fasting for one of our own. May we continue to do so.
Thank you for your faith in asking all of us to draw upon the powers of heaven collectively.
Love you so much, Nanapoo!
Aunty Marion
Hey Cuz,
We are so grateful for the wonderful outcome for Trevor and your family.
We have kept him in our prayers and followed the updates on his status and condition. We are happy that all is working out as it is and that the future looks bright again after such a life-threatening experience.
It is good to have the gospel in our lives and to know where our strength and blessings come from.
Alofa atu,
Markie and the Family
We were definitely fasting and praying out here in Austin. This past summer brought us much closer to Trevor and Kylee. So happy to hear the good news.
Love Ian & Family
Grateful for Prayer and faith in Our loving Savior Jesus Christ
Grateful Tonya and Bryan all is well with Trevor....we stand amazed!
With love always,
uncle Arthur and aunty Peggy and family
Love it. Trevor is a living miracle, thanks to our Lord. Faith, prayer and fasting truly work.
Love u, Aunty Alice

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