Monday, January 9, 2012

My Funny Son

I am so sad that I don't have pictures of this incident, Cambria said that she remembered her camera after the suds had gone down, but I want to remember it and have it in my book so I am going to record it.
Tonight I had a stake YW Meeting and reminded Trevor to get his dishes done before I get home. He was working on them when I left and I came home to the dishwasher torn apart. My heart sunk, I thought,"Oh my goodness, now we need a new dishwasher." I asked nicely, why the bottom rack of the dishwasher filled with dishes was on the counter, the silverware rack sitting beside it and the dishwasher wide open? The girls couldn't wait to tell me the story. "Mom, Trevor put the wrong soap in the dishwasher, he put dishsoap and it was like the Brady Bunch with suds everywhere." I just busted up laughing, I wish I could've seen it. Trevor totally didn't expect that reaction from me. The girls said that he almost cried when he saw the mess and his first thought was, "Mom is going to be so mad." Well it took a few runs before the dishwasher was suds free. The dishes in that cycle was soooo clean. We told Trevor it was a good thing that he made that mistake, because now the dishwasher is cleaner than it's ever been. I love funny moments like these, that make us laugh at life.
 Why get made, it's not going  to change the situation, LAUGH AT IT!!!!

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