Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 5 of the Juice FEast

My husband tells me that calling it a "JUICE FAST" makes people think that I am starving myself.
Well, I am definately NOT starving because what I am intaking is all natural and good for my body.
It's just like those that just drink protein shakes, but vegetables and fruits are so much better for you.
If you were to see the amount of vegetables that go into one drink, it's amazing.
Could you honestly eat all of that at one sitting. I don't think so.
So when you juice it, it goes right into the bloodstream and gives your body everything
and more than it needs.
You start to heal your body from the inside out. It's amazing to learn, what each vegetable is good for
the different parts of our body.
 For instance, Celery is great for heartburn and all kinds of other things.
So the more I learn about this lifestyle change for our family, I am excited.
That's why it took me over a month to invest in a $150.00 juicer and continue to use my mom's 35 yr. old juicer, because I wanted to make
sure this was something I wanted to do for my family.
YES, it's alot of work to juice-I think of it as, preparing food as if I were to cook.
Last night we had 2 soccer games and a basketball game for Trevor and took our juices with us.
We got home at 9:30pm and Bryan works at 2:00am, so I needed to do some juicing
for him to take for his day. There is absolutely NO SUBSTITUTIONS.

(Besides the $5.00 a Naked drink which is only 16 ounces. I don't think so.)
So I washed and prepared and juiced everything for Bryan's day and mine & Cecilee's
Breakfast drink: apples, pears , strawberries & tangerines.
So Delicious!!!!
I am still going strong and loving the way I am feeling. So much more energy!!!
So I am going to start calling this my, "JUICING FEAST!"

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