Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 4 of Juice Fast

I am doing fabulous, I did have a bite of a hotdog yesterday, I KNOW - WHY a hot dog,
But I am feeling great!!! I am juicing some new recipes and they are yummy.
I love that I don't have cravings anymore, especially for sugar & breads.
I am excited to be able to incorporate this into my lifestyle and continue to juice.
It's so healthy for you, my kids are drinking a cup of juice in the morning.
Just think of all those vitamins and nutrients they are getting in their blood stream.
There is no way that they would eat that many vegetables and fruit.
I am loving this new lifestyle change.
I ordered my new juicer

I am so excited to receive it and give my mom back her original from 35 years ago.
Our family has been juicing for 35 years, but some of us haven't been going as strong as my  mom.
Now to relearn what we already knew from the past, we are living healthier lives.

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