Sunday, November 30, 2008
I Love my Brothers!!!!
The Bombers take GOLD in the Dixie Invitational
While we were in Las Vegas for Trevor's tournament, Cecilee stayed back in St. George and played in the Dixie Invitational with her Bombers Team. Cecilee is showing off her war wound after the last game. When receiving her gold medal her coach said that he was told by two different ref's that she should be called the "ENFORCER".
Me and my Cecilee, we made it back from Las Vegas just in time for her last game. We love watching her play and be the "ENFORCER".
Cecilee and Tori showing off their Gold Medals.
All of my kids after the medal ceremony. Cambria is sporting Trevor's Pigskin Sweatshirt.
While we were gone we left Cambria to cart Cecilee around for the tournament and to also be her supporter. Cecilee was also blessed to have Grandma and Grandpa Ah Quin there to cheer her on also. When we came to the last game all of the parents complimented my parents being there for Cecilee and especially Grandma cheering the loudest. Cambria said sometimes Grandma didn't even know what she was cheering for. I love my parents and am so grateful for them ALWAYS being there to support my kids in their sports and activities. We had a great Thanksgiving weekend.
Me and Trevor after his last game. His team played so hard and with everything they had. They ended up losing 26-20. They played awesome.
This was the two dad coaches (Max & Bryan) with their two sons (Jaden & Trevor) and my brother Clay came with his two sons: Keawe & Ammon. We will be watching Ammon play next year at this same tournament with his two cousins.

Trevor during halftime huddle with his team. He is in deep concentration by himself.

Our Warrior Team with all of the father coaches. Each one of those men had a son on the team. Max had the idea to put this team together with some all stars from our area. It was a great idea and these boys really got to know one another and form a great friendship, instead of always playing against each other.
Trevor during halftime huddle with his team. He is in deep concentration by himself.
Our Warrior Team with all of the father coaches. Each one of those men had a son on the team. Max had the idea to put this team together with some all stars from our area. It was a great idea and these boys really got to know one another and form a great friendship, instead of always playing against each other.
We had a very fulfilling weekend in Las Vegas at the Pigskin Tournament. We saw alot of different football teams with ALOT of talent. We had a great time with the parents and all of the boys. We will most definately be coming back next year.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Mom's little STUD
ANNUAL FAMILY PICTURES for the Christmas Card
Tonight we took our annual family pictures. We met the photographer at Tuacahn and had another successful picture taking session. I had to do a double take when he was taking the pictures of the kids, my kids are NO longer little. They all look so mature. Trevor is almost taller than Cam & Cec, and Sydnee doesn't look so young anymore, she pretty much blends in with the other three. WOW, that just means that I am getting older and closer to having children leave my home and move out and go to college,AHAHHAH!! I don't even want to go there, yet. I am going to start crying if I start thinking about that, so ---- I WON'T!!!
These pictures were what I took behind the photographer. Of course I didn't get a family shot, because I was in it, haha.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Snow Canyon White 7th Grade Football CHAMPIONS!!!
Take a look at the scoreboard!!!
(L to R) Coach Nyberg, Coach Hokansen, Coach Loo, Coach Durrante, and Coach Rigby
The tunnel of Trophys. The boys made a tunnel with their trophys for the other boys to run under.
The Front Door of the coaches house with all of their football equipment.
The Front Door of the coaches house with all of their football equipment.
The Front Door at the coaches house with all of the teams equipment.
Last night was the Championship game for Trevor's Football Team against Virgin Valley. We played them last year and lost by 1 point and 2 inches, and that lose was hard for Trevor. He wanted to win so bad and he played so hard but came up short. So this year was a chance for them to get their win.
Before the game the coach thought that it would be a good idea to have his team come over to his house at 12:30 and watch a movie and have lunch and relax for the game. It was so cute to see all of their stuff at his front door. The boys have truly bonded as a team and have loved being together.
The game started at 5:00pm and right before the game the coach from the Virgin Valley Team came to me and said, "Tonya, my boys have something for you. Last year you did something for them that they have always remembered and wanted to give you this." He pulled out a beautiful carnation lei and put it around my neck. Oh my goodness, this totally took me by surprise and what a thoughtful gesture. Well I of course wore the lei ALLL night and loved smelling the flowers around my neck.
The game was a hard fought game, Trevor didnt' play but 12 plays in the whole game because of his arm and he only played Defense. But when he was in he did make sure that he made a difference. I felt sorry for the players that got hit by Trevor because he was playing with alot of frustration (about not being able to play with his arm) and when he did get in he took it out on whoever he hit. The final score was 29-6. It was so good to see those boys play with everything they had to get to the trophy.
Trevor had some great coaches. He loved each and everyone of them. Each one of them taught Trevor so much about LIFE and about Football. We feel so blessed to be a part of such a great team, all the way around - coaches, parents, players and SUPPORT!!!
GOLDEN CORRAL our Favorite Place to EAT!!!
Today was another wonderful Saturday with my family. Cambria was missing from our family activity, due to Sadies day date that she was involved in. That's what happens when your children start growing up, darn it. After Sydnee's game we went to see Ammon's (my nephew) championship flag football game and take him a candy lei. After the game, my brother Clay invited us to go to our favorite place to eat, Golden Corral. We love that place, it has a little bit of everything. I absolutely LOVE their Banana Pudding Dessert. I probably could eat the whole bowl. The kids love the ice cream bar and all of the candy. My husband of course loves the MEAT and shrimp. We enjoy that place. WOW, I should do a commercial. haha
Sadies Day Date
Cambria asked her friend Chase Robinson to Sadies. They have been friends since they were 7. 
Cambria's group that they went with. They all came back to our house after their day date and watched their video that they made. They went on a Video Scavenger Hunt and had to do different things around town, like: act out a break up scene in Target, spray silly string on a person at the drive thru window, spit on the Dixie sign, etc. (I really don't know why teenagers always get a BAD rap.)haha
There were 13 couples in their group. They had a BLASt. The theme for the dance was "Sadies in the 80's" they all dressed up for the dance in 80's.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Dispite the Cast-He Plays
My Brother is Getting Married
This was after Trevor and Jaden's Football Game. They are so cute together. Becca saw a new side to Adam that night cheering for his nephews.
This was at my mom and dad's 40 year anniversary party. Love the new haircut Becca gave to Adam?
This was at my mom and dad's 40 year anniversary party. Love the new haircut Becca gave to Adam?
My brother Adam has found the love of his life, thanks to me and Rebecca Smith. We do have to take credit for this, because in reality I really don't think they would've found each other. (I really don't believe that, because if you are meant to be, it will happen) But with her living in BFGunlock (as Becca calls it) and Adam in Hurricane -they are on seperate sides of the world and they have different lives, that their paths might not have crossed, but we helped them to cross.
I asked Becca to be the MC for the Miss Ivins Pageant last year and in the process of getting everything together I came across her name and something told me, "What about Adam?" I thought for a minute and knew that she had two boys and had been married before and then I thought, that wouldn't scare Adam off. Adam loves kids and if any of my brother's would marry into a "ready made family" it would most definately be Adam. So the next day I went to the elementary field day at the high school and ran into Rebecca Smith. She told me that she saw Adam at Tuacahn and he is so handsome, is he dating anyone? I said, "NO, he is just dating everyone." So she brought up, "What about Becca?" I told her, "I thought about her last night, that is so weird that we both had that thought."
As the pageant got closer and we had dress rehearsal I approached Becca with my thought. I had NO idea that she had just swarn off ALL men in general, so I really took a chance. I told her that he was TALL, DARK and Handsome. Then she started thinking about it.
At the pageant I told Adam, just watch her and if you still want to meet her I can schedule a meeting. Well the pageant starts and Adam is sitting behind me and Becca walks out in her crown being charming, witty and hilarious (perfect for an MC for a boring pageant). The first minute Becca had him hooked. He was laughing the loudest out of everyone in the auditorium and smiling the biggest. I sure wish I had a picture of the look on his face that night. So I whispered, "What do you think?" Adam replied, "Hook me up." Well the pageant ended and Becca disappeared, she thought it was awkward to meet there.
So the next day, Adam called my Cell Phone about 10 times and left messages, but I don't answer my cell on the weekend, so Monday morning I got all of the messages. I called Adam back and he was all, "Give me her number, I can't stop thinking about her, I want to hang out with her, blah blah blah." WOW my brother was smitten by the love bug. I called Becca, got her permission to give him her number and the rest is HISTORY!!!!!
I am so excited for them, they are so perfect for each other. Becca and her two boys are going to be a great addition to our family. Adam couldn't have asked for a more perfect little family. The Lord works in mysterious ways, but we wouldn't have it any other way, right? They are getting married on December 19th in the St. George Temple and the Hawaiian Christmas Wedding Reception and party of the year will be held at Tuacahn. Both families are working hard to pull this shindig off and are ALL sooooooo excited. Adam is marrying into a GREAT family, he just loves them. I am so happy for Adam, he deserves all of this happiness that he is receiving.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Next Football Generation
But I truly think he absolutely LOVES to watch his son play football. He loves to watch him practice and especially play in the games. This was the practice that Trevor hurt his arm, thank goodness Bryan was there, he just told him ,"SUCK IT UP, football is pain, you learn how to play with pain." WOW, where is the sympathy? Just teaching him how to be a real man!!! hahah
Family Time on Saturday
Lately, the past 3 Saturday's we have spent as a family. All 4 kids have been with us and we spend the day together. I feel so fortunate that my teenagers still enjoy being with the family. I am just savoring every moment that we have together. I keep thinking that within 2 years Cambria could be gone and out of the house and our family will never be the same again. I am taking advantage of every opportunity to spend time with all of my kids. I LOVE IT!!!! I can't believe that I am getting to that stage of life.
Trevor hurts his arm in FOOTBALL
(But he is an Orthodontist, not a Ortheopedic Sports Medicine Dr.)
After practice on Friday his coach suggested that another players dad take a look at his arm. Which he IS an Orthopedic Sports Medicine Dr. He glanced at Trevor's wrist and he said, "It's broken, he needs another x-ray. Go to the Instacare and have them take an xray and I will pull it up on my computer." So we went and the Dr. Said that, "Trevor broke his growth plate and he will NOT be playing in the football game tomorrow night." Trevor's face went shocked!!!! So after we left instacare I called the other Dr. and he said, "Tonya, we can put a hard cast on that arm and immobilized that wrist and he could play in the game as long as you put padding on it." So we chose to cast it and let Trevor make the decision whether he wanted to play or not. Well, of course, he chose to PLAY. It was a playoff game and Trevor wanted to play in the Championship game. Well his team won 13-6 and Trevor was excited to get out and play.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Happy Birthday to my Sydnee, my baby
Yesterday, November 1st was my baby's birthday, she turned 10 years old. I cannot believe how times just flies!!!! I still can remember taking Cambria and Cecilee trick or treating 10 years ago and being sooo pregnant. Sydnee has brought soooo much joy into our lives. She is the typical baby of the family, spoiled rotten and loved by everyone. She has the biggest heart and loves everyone, especially her DADDY!!! She has to have her dad lay with her every night before she goes to sleep. I know that it's just that security that she finds in having him right there by her side. I know that I felt that same way with my dad when I was growing up. Sydnee loves school, soccer, her friends, and family (especially her cousins).
We had a great day with Sydnee on her birthday. We took the family to breakfast to celebrate at Rise and Dine. We then dropped Cambria and Cecilee off with Sydnee to The Bear Mill for Sydnee to adopt a friend. Then Bryan, Trevor and I went and bought Sydnee a bike. Then later on in the day we all went to watch Sydnee play in her soccer game, and she scored the first goal. We all then went to see High School Musical 3. I hope that Sydnee had a great day, we all enjoyed being with her and doing things that she wanted to do.
Halloween at the Office
Thursday before Halloween we decided as an office to dress up that day, since on Friday (Halloween) we didn't have as many patients to see. So we decided on the 50's theme. We had a good time with dressing up and having the 50's music playing. The patients thought it was pretty cool, even though we were a day off. We have a great office and great doctor's who allow us to have a good time at work and PLAY!!!
Here is my family. We kind of went with the 50's theme. Cambria as Lucy, Myself in a poodle skirt with Sydnee, Trevor in a letterman jacket, Cecilee as a Pink Lady and Bryan as a Greaser.
Just like we do every Halloween, our family puts on a HUGE neighborhood party in the street. We have everyone bring something to share with everyone and we all feed the kids before they go trick or treating and let them roam the neighborhood. Then we have 2 bounce houses for the kids to play in and have fun with. We also had a movie playing outside complete with movie popcorn. We had a blast. We live in the most amazing neighborhood. We couldn't do this if we didn't have fabulous neighbors. We like to call it PLEASANTVILLE!!!! hahaha We had some great costumes show up also. I think next year, I am going to make it mandatory that everyone come in costume. It makes it so much more fun!!!!
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