Saturday, December 6, 2008

I am soooo sad!!!

My crazy, fun husband after Trevor's playoff game, holding Trevor's balloons.
Bryan and his one and only son. Don't they look like Father and Son?

Me and my sweetheart. Gosh I love this man.

Bryan and two of his girls, Cambria and Cecilee. They love hanging out with their dad, and they love his stupid jokes and funny voices.

Here are some of the signs that Sydnee made and posted around the house.

My heart is so full of sorrow at this time in my life, but I know that it's for the welfare of our family. My husband is leaving tomorrow to Rock Springs, Wyoming to work for Halliburton. It is a very good job, but the downfall is that he will be away from our family for 2 weeks at a time and home for a week. Bryan and I have NEVER been seperated from each other more than a couple days. I am just falling apart, everytime I think about it I just cry and cry and can't seem to gain my composure. I have to be strong for my children and I don't want them to see me a mess.

Last Sunday we all took a nap and when we woke up Sydnee had plastered the house with these signs. I had to go into the bathroom and just cry!!! She is the baby of the family and is such a "Daddy's Girl" she just takes every opportunity to snuggle to her Daddy. Bryan is such a hands on dad that he is going to have a hard time also. He spends alot of time with each one of the kids interviewing them and talking about life with them. He loves to be involved in their sports activities and their school activities. Our whole family is not going to be the same without him. I will be counting down the days for his return to us each time he leaves.
So many people have told me that it shouldn't be that big of a deal. But to me and our family it is a huge deal!!! I look forward to coming home from work and having our whole family just lay around in the family room and talk about the day, reading scriptures, etc. I am going to miss the stupid things that get on my nerves that he does. I know that there are alot of dad's out there that have had to go away for work, but I always thought that that would be sooo hard for the family and now we are experiencing it. I love my husband so much and am so thankful for his sacrifice for our family. I don't know how both of us are going to sleep, whenever he's not home I just lay in bed and try to pile up pillows so that I can put my leg on it, like it's him. But it's not the same. And I know with him when I'm not home he paces and walks around the house or wherever he is. We will just have to get used to being apart.

Family is everything and thank goodness that we know that "Families are Forever" and that this joy that we feel here on earth will be multiplied in the eternities. I know that this job is a blessing for our family, but I just have to be strong and thank my Heavenly Father for the blessings that he blesses us with.


Ann said...

i am so sorry! i'm with you-it IS a big deal to be apart! i totally understand and would feel exactly the same if tyler had a similar job. i hope you find a way to manage. you'll be in our prayers!

Taylor Tribe said...
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Mindy said...

Oh Tanya, I'm so out of the loop and hadn't heard about Brian being gone. What a DRAG! I'm so sorry to hear about it. I know what it's like having a spouse gone a lot. It stinks. There are perks however small and insignificant, I focus on them while Jason is gone. For instance, I GET THE REMOTE! I can watch home decor shoes all night if I want! Also, cold cerial or top ramen is served many a night when Jason is out of town. You will soo be able to find your own consolation tokens that make it a little less painful. Until then, I feel your pain. Thinking of you, Mindy