Saturday, December 13, 2008

Temple Blessings

This morning was the second Saturday of the month and our family sets it aside as our family temple day. We usually try for the 6:00am session so that it doesn't interfer with the kids sports. This morning I met my parents, Sunshine, Adam, Clay and Julee all for the session. It was such a wonderful session. I love the way I feel when I go to the temple. I haven't gone to the temple very often without my husband, but I did today and it wasn't too bad. I love being with my family. I can't wait for next Friday to be in the temple with everyone to witness Adam and Becca's sealing. Great day to be alive.


Ammie said...

You are such an amazing person! What an inspiration you are to me. I just read your post about your terrible day with the dryer and everything and all I can say is wow, you are amazing.

It Just Keeps Getting Better said...


Hey Cant believe how long it has been. Your family is amazing. I was so excited to see your comment on our blog. You and Brian look great. I am so happy to see how you are and how your family is going. Tell everyone hello. We will have to stay in touch.

Love, Julie Beck