Monday, June 25, 2012

KJ's Funeral

Trevor couldn't go to the funeral because our ward had our Pioneer Trek, so we went as a family to the viewing. When we walked in, we ran into the Esplin's and they whispered to us that is was going to be a 2 hour wait. We were there for the long haul, Trevor needed to say GOODBYE to his friend. We stood in line watching the video that they had going all about KJ's life. We then were sat down in the chapel that was full of friends and family. Every pew was full and then there was another line. It was amazing to see all of the people that KJ had an impact on in his short life. We watched the video and I couldn't get over how much he looked like Trevor, even as a little boy and a teenager in braces.

The first time I met KJ, I couldn't believe how much like Trevor he was. We stood in line and came to the tables of KJ's belongings and Trevor really started crying, seeing his tangible things: His backpack, his shoes, his uniforms, etc. We all started crying. Then we entered the room where the family and KJ was. We signed the book and I looked up and I saw KJ's dad just staring at Trevor. When we got to KJ's mom and dad they both hugged Trevor tight and said, "KJ loved you Trevor", then they told me the same and said that KJ wanted to be like Trevor. He was one of his favorites. And that they had a bond, they had the same heart. (He is honestly THE ONLY kid that I have ever met with all of Trevor's friends, that reminded me so much of my own son.) We then saw KJ's body and it looked like he went through alot. It's amazing how our spirit add's so much to our bodies. We walked out and gave many more hugs to friends. Then I saw Trevor and Navy just hugging and crying, then Tia came and gave Trevor a huge hug and let him just cry on her shoulder, then all of us hugged Trevor and Navy. I have never seen my sons heart broken so much.
This was Trevor after the viewing, I think he was a little sad and drained by the whole experience.
(He had NO idea that I took this picture)
 It was good for us to be together as a family for this experience. The kids left for the Trek the following morning and I went to the funeral with Clay and Kiana.
When driving down the street and coming upon the church building I saw all of these flags in front of the church that the funeral was being held at.
What a beautiful sight to behold and an honor for KJ.
The hearse was in the front and KJ's body had just arrived.
It was an absolutely beautiful service.
His 5 sisters gave his LIFE SKETCH, his mom and dad both spoke about him
(And on a side note, one of his sisters was not able to be there because she delivered a baby girl one hour before the funeral started, and she lived in Virginia)
The mother started her remarks off with a HUGE THank You to everyone,
She said that she has been blessed with a Tangible Bouyancy because of all of the prayers in her families behalf. She said, "How else would I be able to stand here on my own two feet and speak about my ONLY SON and my BABY." But who else could speak about my son and do him justice, but me as his mother. She also said, "My son LOVED & Praised me as his mother, he would tell me all of the time how much he loved me, one day he said, "Mom, if you knew how much I loved you, you would NEVER frown again."
She had alot of beautiful things to say about KJ.
His DAD Thanked the Boys Scout Troop for bringing his sons body home to him. He said, "I now realize why the military families just want their loved ones body back." and he said that it was confirmed to him that KJ was the one that let go of the boys hand, out of love, and that he knew it was KJ's time to go home to his Father in Heaven.

Some of the highlights that were said about KJ were:
* KJ was very close to the spirit * He wanted to skip high school and get to his mission *
He LOVED his mom sooo much!! * He loved having missionary experiences * He loved his sisters so much * He didn't care about what other people thought of him, very down to earth *
Here is his program, the picture on the back was taken one hour before he died.
This saying was shared during the funeral:

I am so grateful that my son was blessed to have KJ as a friend. I feel like Trevor knew him in the preexistance and found him here on earth. They both have so many of the same characteristics. Their bond was something very special and I think that's why Trevor's heart was broken.

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