Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Another Day in the Hospital

Bryan said that he was asked by the nurse if he knew anyone that had COVID and recovered? He told him yes, my sister-in-law and she has cancer as well, so I should make a good recovery if she could recover. He asked who his sister was and he said, "Tia Stokes". The nurse said, "Oh my gosh, everyone on this floor follows her and watches her" Bryan texted me and said, "Weird, everyone here follows Tia". He was amazed.

Bryan was very anxious while in the hospital. The first few days he was just wanting to come home and when the Dr. came in and said he will be staying till the end of the week, he was devastated. He called and told me that he didn't have Pneumonia and they want to continue watching that he doesn't develop Pneumonia. So he asked me to send him some clean garments because he gets to shower. When he first got in the hospital I told him I would send him a change of clothes and garments and he told me NO!!! I am NOT staying here very long and I am NOT moving in. So for him to ask for clean garments, made me laugh. Then he complained about his BUTT hurting from sitting so much, so I made arrangements with Mark Dewey who works at the hospital to drop a pillow off to him.

Bryan said that while in the hospital he saw another older man across the hall from him that came in shortly after him and then a few days later he was leaving. He asked the nurse, where the man was going and he said he's going home. Bryan was so surprised and he said, "HOW?" The nurse said he is down to 2 liters of oxygen, when you get there you will get to go home. He then asked him, "How did he move down to 2 liters? NOBODY has come in here to move mine down?" Bryan then took it upon himself to go to the wall and turn the dial to 4 liters.

He was blessed with another     TENDER MERCY with having Fabian Ortiz wife, Natalie be his nurse for 2 days. It was nice to have someone who knew Bryan personally and someone that cared for him and not just a number or name on a file. She helped ween him down the oxygen. She allowed him to walk and go to the bathroom on his own down the hall. She also called him "REBEL" because he was doing everything he could to get out of the hospital.

I received a call from the Social Worker to check on me at home. ANOTHER TENDER MERCY - I answered and it was Nichole Sorenson Hayden. Oh my goodness, another person who knew Bryan and cared for him as well. It was so good to visit with her and feel her love. 

The day Bryan was going to come home I received another phone call from the hospital to go over everything, it was another person I knew!! TENDER MERCY - it was Adam Cheney (he was in my mom's ward and an actor in a few shows that I have been to) He told me, "I know you but you probably don't know me," I knew him and was excited it was another connection on this journey. ABSOLUTELY NO COINCIDENCES!

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