Saturday, December 19, 2020

COVID-19 hit tooo close to home

 Bryan came home from work Thursday night and he said, "there are 12 boys with COVID, Angel tried to keep them from me and Glen and put us at an opposite side of the facility. Then Parker brought some of the boys to our hall. I was talking with a boy and he happened to cough while talking to me." Well Bryan came home from work on Friday and wasn't feeling very well and went right to sleep for the night. He woke up Saturday morning not feeling very well (Tickle in his throat, cough), so my immediate thought was, "Crap, he has COVID!" I told him to GO GET TESTED!! So he went to the nearest facility to test. 

He came home and we worked on the basement all day together. He wore a mask the whole time, but we were so excited to have the kids come and spend the night for our Christmas Eve tradition. So we needed to get everything in order to have everyone sleep in the basement. We both worked so hard, moving things from the garage to the basement and finishing putting in doors and doorknobs, etc. By the end of the evening we were exhausted. I was supposed to be at a Kalamity concert MCing the night. It was the second concert that I missed. I figured to be safe I better stay home. 

I was so emotional while watching the concert on ZOOM on the TV. I missed watching the girls all dance with their dads and missed seeing Sydnee and Cambria dance together, both Kalamity's North & South. 
Still anxiously waiting to hear whether Bryan had the virus or not. We just treated him as if he did. We went to bed and the next morning he woke up with body aches, but we just chalked it up to carrying things up and down the stairs and being on our hands and knees, etc. But he kept saying, my skin is so sensitive and my hair hurts. So I started thinking OH MY GOODNESS HE HAS IT. We stayed home from church and just kept quarantined. 

Trevor and Kylee arrived in town for the holidays. They wanted to come over and see us, but I warned them that dad MIGHT have COVID. They didn't care they said, "We want to see you guys, if we get it then this is a good time to get it". We kept dad across the room and visited from there. It was so good to see them. We hadn't seen them since August when they moved to Connecticut. They ended up staying at The Martin's just in case. 

Monday morning came and Bryan called work to let them know that he went to be tested on Saturday for COVID and he still doesn't have his results yet, but he probably shouldn't come in until then. They told him to come and get tested at the RAPID TESTING spot so that he can also be paid for 2 weeks. He drove to Hurricane and as he arrived he received his results. YOU ARE POSITIVE FOR COVID-19!!! He called me and told me the results and I kind of freaked out, NOT THAT I DIDN'T ALREADY THINK HE HAD IT, but now it was confirmed and I AM AFRAID!!! He came home and I set him up in our room and moved out into Sydnee's room with her. I called Bryan's dad and Trevor and asked them if they could come over and give Bryan a blessing in the backyard with masks. 

Thank goodness for the power of the priesthood and thank goodness these men are righteous and can give a blessing at the drop of a hat. 
As the day went on Bryan's temperature started and he started getting chills and sweats. Trevor's Father-in-law, JR sent some vitamins over for Bryan from Fusion Pharmacy. He also said that he had a few prescriptions on hold for him IF I WANTED THEM. He said they were a steroid for his lungs and hydrochloriquin. I thanked him and told him that I would let him know if we need it, but right now we don't need it because he isn't having any breathing issues. 
With the thought of breathing issues, I happened to talk with Raine (Jori's Husband) about his bout with COVID just recently, and he said thank goodness his wife got home oxygen because that's what saved him. 
So the next day I ordered some oxygen to be delivered to my home. (JUST IN CASE-I'D rather be safe than sorry)

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