Friday, March 19, 2010

"Most Preferred"

Cambria and Brett waiting for the assembly to begin.
Cambria and her Cheer Sister, Paige (Most School Spirit)
Cambria with Liz Ricks (Most Likely to Succeed), & Kylie Moore (Most Athletic)
Cambria and Brett after the pnut butter game - I think Brett is experiencing a little pnut butter high.
Cambria has had the most amazing Senior Year, not only was she able to go to GIRL'S STATE, also be a cheerleader again this year, but she wanted to be a part of Seminary Council (and she is), being crowned Homecoming Queen,and now being voted on by the whole student body, "Most Preferred". Wow, she has had so much fun!!!

Well at the assembly they presented all of the awards, like: "Most Likely..." So they saved the Preference Royalty for the end. They called the Royalty up and had them WORK for their award. They put the couples up front and handed them a large piece of glass with pnut butter on both sides and they each had to lick off the pnut butter. Well, if anyone knows Cam, you know how competitive she is and so was her partner, Brett. There was NO way THE SENIORS were going to loose. So they started licking, it was hilarious, it looked like they were "Making Out", but they were so focused on licking that pnut butter off. (I found some pictures on facebook and uploaded them.) They did end up winning. They both ran out to the nearest trashcan and threw up all that pnut butter. They were so funny.
Stay tuned, tomorrow is the dance and I will of course have a post of both Cam & Cec.

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