Saturday, September 22, 2012

Friday Night Football

 Friday nights have got to be our favorite night of the week, when Trevor plays football.
We gather in our corner on the top right of the bleachers and watch him play.
Grandma and Grandpa Horlacher & AhQuin always enjoy coming and enjoying the evening with us.
This evening it was just my parents and Cam and Syd.
Then at Halftime - Joe and his family came.
This picture was taken by a Photographer from my ward, Boyd.
When I saw this picture I just fell in love with it.
I saw Trevor tackling and then in the background off to the left I see Bryan watching him.
A picture says so much.
Another thing is that Trevor hurt his left arm during the 1st quarter and he was in alot of pain.
He has this arm tucked in and tackling with only his right arm.
 After Bryan was watching him, he saw that Trevor was being DOUBLETEAMed.
So he ran to Trevor right when he came off the field.
He needed to talk to him and show him how to SHED the two blockers off of him
 It's always been such a highlight for me to watch my husband coach my kids.
But Trevor loves football just as much as his dad and listens to everything he tells him.
 During the game I saw Trevor holding his left arm. I kept looking through the binoculars and saw
him try to shake off the pain. He finally came off the field to get a drink and I called to the
trainer and asked him to please check Trevor's left arm and tape it, to give him stability.
He did and then later on gave him Advil.
He started feeling much better after the Advil kicked in.
 After the game with Grandma and Grandpa AhQuin
Grandpa loves to watch Trevor play and is always so proud of him.
Grandma still brings him a cold juice for after the game.
 Uncle Joe and Aunty Janette came to watch him play also.
Snow CanyonTacklesSacksPass Int.
PARRY, Connor4
Even with his hurt arm, he was still able to be at the top with the most tackles.

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