Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Other dance ideas

While going through pictures I found a couple other ideas taht Cecilee either did or had done to her:
This was the way that she answered Nikoni back. He asked her using POST-IT's
At school, in the commons area, at the busiest time he had all of these random people stick post-its on her-she was thinking, what the heck is going on,  and some of them said,
"Would you go to Homecoming..."
then as the crowd cleared, he was standing there with a huge POST-IT and it said,
"With Me?"
Sooooo~ she got POST-IT's and covered his windshield, while he was at work.
It think it turned out pretty cute.
Another way someone answered Cecilee at school on her car was:
"I have to Be Blind to say No"
Writing on her windshield would restricted her view, therefore "BLIND"

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