Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Message from KJ's sweet mother

Trevor's friend KJ's mom posted this on KJ's Facebook Wall on the first day of school:
Surprise Kj - it's mom attempting to post a one and only message off of Madison's account. I hope this is legal.

How I dreaded this day...the first day of school. It was a reminder that the two of us didn't go school clothes shopping, or didn't go get you a new backpack, (remember your current one is filled with holes, safety pinned and duct taped together), or that you didn't get your junior class picture taken for the yearbook. No more parent-teacher-conferences, no wadded up homework shoved in the bottom of your backpack, no more t-shirts stained with ketchup and pepperoni, no more laundry. No Kj walking through the front door yelling, "Mom, I'm home.", No more school dances, assemblies and prom. No corsages and tuxes to pick up. No more Snow Canyon baseball and basketball games -- no more smiles for victories and tears for defeat. Just a permanent reminder that I am left with your father and 2 donkeys. (: Gone is the laughter, gone are the adventures, gone are the stories, gone is the storyteller. I wish the brokenness in my heart was gone. I miss you terribly.

On the bright side of things, I'm learning more and more about the Spirit world you are in and realizing you are not far from me and the love we share continues to deepen. We are journeying together, many times side by side. I know you see the bigger picture now and are smiling about the inside scoop on things there.-- If only we knew right?! A great work is taking place and you get to be a part of it. Everything is in preparation for the Second Coming of Christ. So until we meet again, in God I will trust. His purposes fail not and none can stay His hand. The very winds and waves obey His command. In my Savior I will find comfort, be healed and purified as I come unto Him and strive to follow His example. I'm grateful to know we are united in purpose and have the faith that your beautiful face and smile will be the first I'll see when I leave this mortal existence. I love you so much.

P.S. You have such caring and loyal friends. Each week since your passing one or more of your friends have stopped by and visited us. Even today, the first day of school - Nate, Chase, and Kylee visited and brought cupcakes. We are blessed.

Trevor and about 20 of his friends gathered on Sunday at the SCHS Baseball Field and took a pledge that they would STAY pure and HONOR their Priesthood and Serve Honorable Full Time Missions, so that someday they will be able to see KJ again and serve a missioin like he is right now.  What an incredible honor to KJ from his friends. I feel so fortunate that my son has such upstanding friends that all want to keep themselves clean and that they all have a goal that they are reaching for TOGETHER!!!

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