Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Toto we are NO LONGER in Utah

It's been an interesting week for Cecilee while in Kansas. She has had 3 a day practices and with her being the Goalie she is so lucky, she gets an extra practice and training as goalie, so on some days she had 4 soccer practices. Her team did have their first scrimmage against the Alumni on Saturday and she was the starting goalie. She stopped alot of good possible goals, but did get scored on. She said that they won 3-2 and it was a great game. She received her cleats on Thursday and was sooo excited that her feet wouldn't be sore anymore.
Some of the information that she has learned while in Kansas:

On Monday they had a orientation for all of the Freshman and the nurse came in to talk to them about STD's. She also told me that she came in with a huge bowl of CONDOM's and let everyone know that these are a FREE for ALL. We just want you to practice SAFE SEX. Cecilee was FLOORED!! She is realizing this is the Real World.

She also went to a party with all of the soccer girls and realized that was NOT where she wanted to be. There was alcohol, drugs, dirty dancing and all yucky stuff!! So the following night, she spent all by herself while the girls went to another party.

She accepted an invitation from a boy to go to a movie. Well, she texted me later and said, "Mom ~ I am not going to the movie after all, it was Rated R!"

My little Dorothy is NO LONGER in Utah anymore, she has landed in Kansas.
 Cecilee with some of her soccer gilfriends.
These were pictures that I took from Facebook from posts from the other girls.
 Some of her friends that have wanted to take pictures with her.
The guy is from Isreal and his name is David (Da-Vee-D)
Some of the soccer girls hanging out in Cecilee's Dorm Room.
Another picture of our girl while SKYPEing her.
We love those silly faces!!!

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