Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Night Swimming

 We happened to have Tia's boys over and of course everytime they come over they want to swim!!
So, it's night time and it's still HOT outside, so why not.
Trevor likes to have a bucket of hot water near the pool, just in case he gets a little chilly.
It's amazing how much fun he could have with a bowl in the pool!!
 He wanted me to try and get a picture of the water in the air.
 Then he wanted Major to jump through the water in the air.
 Major will do anything that Trevor says and he tries to do everything Trevor does.
He thinks that he is Trevor's age, he cracks us up!!!
 Legend was just chillin' outside of the pool watching them play.
 Major is FULL of PERSONALITY!!!
I said, "Major look at me and smile" this is the pose that I got!!
 Legend is just thawing out from swimming.
 Major and his HAKA face!!!
 Then Trevor wanted to see how high he could throw Major, but Major was not enjoying it!!
 Cam and Legend taking a walk around the pool.
 Lots of fun swimming at night with the boys!!!

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