Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sydnee Played Goalie

 Sydnee played goalie for the first half of her game for the first time ever.
She has watched Cecilee play Goalie and has expressed an interest in playing that position some time,
but with practice, NOT just being called on the day of.
Her coach called and asked her to play Goalie and Sydnee burst into tears.
He came over (Since he lives across the street) to find out why she was so afraid.
She told him that she didn't want to let her team down.
We went through Fear and how that is a part of GROWTH in Life.
Then we brought up about Cecilee going to Kansas and not knowing anyone and playing with girls that she doesn't even know.
"Syd, do you think she was scared?"
She agreed to play the first half and did an amazing job.
Nobody scored off of her. We knew she could do it and do it well!!!
Good job Sydnee!!!

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